Insurance and Payment Options

Free Orthodontic Consultation

Embark on the path to a captivating smile with our detailed examination and comprehensive assessment of your dental health at our clinic. We allocate ample time to discuss your treatment alternatives, respond to your questions, and ensure that you feel confident and well-informed about the journey ahead. Together, we will explore the transformative possibilities for your smile.


>Our dedicated Treatment Coordinator is at your service to help you leverage the maximum benefits from your insurance plan. We conduct a thorough analysis of your coverage to ensure you receive the benefits you deserve. If you have any questions regarding your insurance specifics or benefits, our team is here to assist you.

Financial Arrangements

We are committed to the belief that financial constraints should not be a barrier to a beautiful and healthy smile. Acknowledging the diverse financial backgrounds of our patients, we provide a variety of payment options to suit different needs:
  • OPTION A: Enjoy a discount for upfront full payments.
  • OPTION B: Customize an initial payment that fits your budget, followed by convenient monthly payments.
  • OPTION C: Consider financing plans available through third parties like CareCredit or Chase Health.
For your convenience, we can set up your payments so that they are automatically charged to your credit card monthly.

Appointment Scheduling

Throughout the active phase of your orthodontic treatment, we aim to see you every 6 to 8 weeks to monitor your progress. If you need to change an appointment, we kindly request a 24-hour notice to efficiently accommodate other patients. We recognize the demand for afternoon appointments due to educational or professional commitments. To optimize patient care, we schedule extensive procedures in the morning and allocate afternoons for brief check-ups and adjustments.